I hate looking at lingerie ads. Oh, the lingerie is not the problem. The models are. What woman who lives a real life has a body like that? I don't! If you are like me, it is important to know there is lingerie for women with real bodies like us girls.
It wasn't long ago that women who were not size one were pretty much out of luck when it comes to lingerie. The choices basically boiled down to industrial bras similar to something Madonna wears in her concerts and big, formless and definitely unsexy panties. Fortunately, this grim assessment no longer applies today.
Lingerie designers have awoken and realized that there is a bit section of the market that does not find a g-string the size of tooth floss to be an option. This has led to an explosion in options for us women with real bodies. When I say explosion, I mean it. Every single form of lingerie now comes in a size for real bodied women in addition to all those malnourished super models we see in the magazines. How is that for progress?
Of course, not every piece of lingerie is perfect for every woman. Some just go with certain body types and some do not. The key, of course, is to understand this rule and how it applies to your specific situation. Every woman has parts of her body that she loves and parts that make her want to find out more about plastic surgery. Often we like to emphasize our breast, but not so much our derriere. If this sounds like you, why not wear a plunge bra that enhances cleavage with a longer silk robe that hides your rear? Remember, emphasize the good and move the eyes away from the not so good.
A second issue where us normal gals can go wrong with lingerie has to do with sizing. We often equate smaller to better. This can be true with the amount of material used in the piece of lingerie. This is not the same as saying a smaller size is better. Do not confuse the two. Buy a style of lingerie that emphasizes your assets, but make sure to buy the right size. Going one or two sizes smaller than you would normally wear is not going to make you look good and is going to be uncomfortable as well. It is hard to be sexy if you are uncomfortable.
Waif-like super models are great and all when it comes to fashion, but we real women need something more realistic for us. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for us today.
By Tiffany Hart