The brassiere has been with us for a very long time. During this lengthy period, the bra has evolved from a seriously uncomfortably contraption to the modern equivalent. Along the way, the terminology used for bras also changed significantly.
If you want to get the perfect fit on a bra, you are going to need to communicate. You should speak with a professional fitter at least once in your life. When you do, understanding what they are talking about is key. Here are a few phrases that are commonly used by the pros, but most of us don't know about.
"Comforters" do not refer to something you put on the bed. With bras, this refers to a type of strap that can be worn with a bra. Some of us have shoulders that simply were not designed to comfortably carry the average bra strap. You might be too boney, not boney enough or whatever. "Comforters" are wider straps that are padded. They often are used to create a better fit over the shoulder with less friction than found with normal bra straps.
"Wicking" is a term that is often used in two situations. It refers to the ability of a material to deal with humidity. The most common usage is when discussing sports bras. Since you will be sweating, you usually want to wear a bra that has microfiber material that will wick the moisture away from your body. This can also be the case with other bras if you tend to sweat, feel hot about the breast or live in an area with serious humidity and heat issue.
The "Gore" is a term that is always used by professional bra fitters. The gore is the material that sites between the cups. If you are having fitting issues, one of the first things that will be examined is whether the gore is made of material that stretches or not. Most fitters prefer material that does not stretch because you are then able to be sure of the sizing.
"Foam lined cups" are another phrase you will hear from professional fitters. Most women misunderstand their purpose. It is assumed that the foam is intended to create the impression of larger breasts. It is not. The true purpose is to create a better shape and provide support for the breasts. As you probably know, breasts are not symmetrical. A fitting professional will often suggest foam lined bras to create a more uniform look and fit.
There are a surprising large number of terms unique to bras. If you are not familiar with a particular term, make sure to ask so you know exactly what you are getting into...literally!
By Tiffany Hart