Forget the bra burning movement by the women's lib decades ago. Those women who burned their bras then and have since refused to wear bras, probably have saggy breasts today. It is akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. If you have breasts, wear a bra to support them. Period.
First of all, the bra has to suit your lifestyle.
Breastfeeding? Get a nursing bra for convenience.
When you workout or engage in sports, wear a sports bra for more support. All that jumping around will make you bounce if you are big and in the long run, that would wreck the skin supporting your breasts.
Do you love dressing up? If you often wear low cut tops, a push up bra would give you extra oomph. Of you wear a lot of strappy dresses and halter tops, then convertible bras would be more practical as they go with most of your clothes.
Basically, choose bras you are likely to wear daily. Start with the basics for the look you want that suit your lifestyle.
Now, if you hate wearing bras because they are uncomfortable, you are probably wearing the wrong bras.
1. If they cut into your breasts, or your sides or the straps cut into your flesh, your bra is too small.
2. If wearing a bra keeps riding up or doesn't stay put, the size is wrong.
Your bra should fit you exactly in terms of your cup size and the band size. Get it wrong and no matter how expensive your bra, it is going to hurt by cutting into you, or chaffing your skin as it just does not fit. Get a tape measure and measure your bra size then go get new bras that actually fit.
Next, even if the fit is exact, the fabric should be comfortable. Do you have a problem with itchy fabric the scratches you? Then avoid bras in those fabrics.
If you sweat a lot, an absorbent bra would be ideal. Cotton is a great every day bra as it absorbs the sweat from your skin and lets it evaporate off.
Bamboo bras are even better as they are more absorbant than cotton and look more sophisticated, what with the silky sheen that characterize bamboo fabrics. Another plus is that bamboo fabric has anti-bacterial properties, which means, you'll probably still smell sweet in spite of stale sweat. That smelly body odor comes from bacteria breeding in your sweat and bamboo fabric puts a stop to that.
By Janice Wee