We all know women who's breasts are always right where they should be. We have all have seen women who's breasts are hanging down to their belly button. We have all seen women who pull up their bra straps, pull down the back of their bra, or just plain adjust "the girls" in public.
For women who don't feel it necessary to wear a bra I applaud you. I wish I was as comfortable with the way my breasts look as you are but to be perfectly honest I find it unattractive. I feel that I must wear a bra whenever I am in public. The only time I do not wear a bra is at home but if unexpected company shows up I run to my room and put one on. I do this not only because I have large breasts but because after two children I do not like where they sit without a bra.
If you are like me and must wear a bra then it is very important that the bra you buy fits properly. You probably know that an ill fitting bra can cause shoulder pain, back pain, and breast pressure but did you know it can actually cause damage to the breast tissue. I have designed a web site with proper bra wearing in mind. When I designed this site I couldn't believe how many women wear the wrong size bra. The estimate is up around 70 percent. I never realized how important proper measuring is and that a woman's bra size will change many different times in their lifetime. Log on to www.brasforyou.com to order a free report and learn all you need to know about buying the right size and type of bra.
By Maryann Hildebrant