The growing, stretching and aching that can go along with pregnancy isn't always fun to deal with. One area women can give themselves a real boost involves developing a good strategy to tackle breast discomforts.
So, what is the key to making this mission successful? Finding a comfortable maternity bra can make all the difference in the world.
Selecting the right maternity bra is not necessarily something that comes naturally to expecting mothers. These specialty bras can look and feel a little different than what a woman is used to wearing. While they can and often do look very feminine, they are not necessarily the "sexy" creations women are used to prior to pregnancy.
Comfort is the essential element in selecting the best maternity bra during early and later pregnancy. Keep in mind that maternity bras purchased during the first few months might not serve the purpose later on. Many women find they have to purchase a second set of bras for the last few months and for post-partum nursing.
The most important considerations to take in account when selecting a comfortable maternity bra include:
• The materials - While some women might find it hard to say goodbye to sexier materials, cotton is often the best choice. As the breasts grow and change, moisture can become a real problem. Keeping the comfort level high can be attained through the use of a basic cotton maternity bra that provides the ability for the skin to breathe. There's nothing that says pretty embellishments cannot go on the bra, but the cups themselves should offer the softness and breathing ability that only cotton can provide.
• The fit - Since many women can experience rapid growth that gives them an extra cup size or two early on in pregnancy, fit is essential. A maternity bra that fits correctly will offer the right support by ensuring that breasts are held up properly without bra straps cutting into shoulders or the back. This, in turn, will ease discomfort and simply help a mother feel better physically and feel better about herself. To make sure a maternity bra fits as it should, proper band and cup measurements should be taken. Do expect the possibility of outgrowing an initial selection - especially toward the end of the third trimester. If new bras are needed during the third trimester, this is the perfect time to select nursing bras for use after the baby's arrival.
• Under wire choice - Some pregnancy and nursing experts will insist that under wires are an excellent idea during gestation. Many women, however, disagree. Go with what offers the most support and comfort on this front. If an under wire bra feels good, go for it. If it doesn't, just make sure a maternity bra provides the support needed without being too tight.
Picking out maternity bras can be a little bit tricky. If there are any questions about size and fit, pull out a cloth measuring tape and make selections based on the real numbers. The more support provided by a bra, generally the better.
By Jennifer Nirui