Clothes are a woman's best friend. While we wear attractive clothes to office, have different varieties of evening wear, dresses for dinner and night dresses; one thing that stays common with all these is your lingerie. Lingerie is something you wear not only for comfort but also to love yourself in it. After all it is close to your body and hugs you at the most intimate places. Brides who shop for lingerie for their wedding take a long time in selecting the best and most suited ones. After all it is for a special occasion.
Amongst other things that go with mushy romance, like rose, a wedding ring, etc, are sweet nothings that are tremendously tempting to the tongues-chocolates. Chocolaty hued lingerie, along with teddies can be as tempting to the taste buds, as they are to the eyes. Against the backdrop of pearly skin, a chocolate hue can be so spellbinding, that no one can lick to his heart's content.
Satin grey, shimmering with pearl sequins and silvery lace is worth experimenting with. With shimmering silver and the strength of steel, silver grey lingerie, can make you look captivating like a fairy. You may equate pink to innocence, but naughty lingerie, in pink can be quite a handful to the playful Casanova. A curvaceous figure, with ample bosom will look titillating in pink lingerie, innocent, yet mischievous!
There are plus size lingerie that can be equally tempting and titillating to the eyes. Gone are the days when a pencil thin figure was in vogue. Today, women with a heaving bosom, a tantalizing cleavage and erotic butts can leave any man panting and gasping for more. Even if women with fuller figures find them a tad uncomfortable, plus size lingerie, in Lycra or Spandex can tone down the size. Colors can accentuate or tone down the volume and the texture of the fabric used in lingerie, can be a boon too. You no longer need to squirm out of tight fitting underclothes.
By Dana