You might think off hand that getting underwear that fit was just a matter of picking your size, the style you like and checking out. In truth, getting a panty that fits perfectly is often much more challenging than that.
Is there one piece of clothing more critical than your panties? If you get the wrong fit, you are going to be an uncomfortable grump until you can find an alternative. In one of the all time stupid moves, I purchased a tiny g-string for the first time one summer. I slipped it on under some jeans and went out to run errands all day. It started out feeling a bit odd and quickly deteriorated until I was squirming around about as uncomfortable as possible. It made for a long day.
So, what is involved in finding the perfect underwear? The goal should be to find something that is comfortable and will not move about. To do this, there are two measurements you should focus on - your waistline and your hips. A panty that fits perfectly around the waist is useless if it rides up in an unwanted manner on your hips.
The perfect panty has some common characteristics. The waist band should fit snugly, but not be binding. If it leaves a hot red line around your waist, you need to go up a size. Your waistline, by the way, is where the natural crease occurs on your body. Many women pick a spot lower down on their hips. A trick to finding the waistline is to bend to your side. The crease line created is your waistline.
From the back, a good panty should fit snugly against the buttocks. This can be a bit tricky to determine since there are so many different styles of panties out there, but you are generally looking for a cupping action similar to what you get with bra cups. In many cases, this is a comfort fit. Your panties are not going to keep your cheeks from sagging over time, so go with what makes you comfortable.
The area where you panty runs around the side of your body is an area of much confusion for women. Let's be clear - certain panties do not fit certain women. You might like boy shorts, but find they ride up around the side of your hips. If so, you are going to be far more comfortable in a high cut underwear that rides up along the top of your hips. This will create a more comfortable fit that you can live with instead of constantly pulling at your sides.
As for between your legs from front to back, the rule is simple - no extra space. The panty should ride flush against your body. If you find it sliding up in the back, you might be wearing a size to small. If you find it getting baggy in the back, the opposite may be true as well. Try finding something that is comfortable across your hips and then go up and down in size to find a perfect match.
Panties tend to be out of sight, out of mind for many of us. Well, at least until they become uncomfortable! Take the time to try out different styles and fits. You might find you improve your quality of life by being comfortable day in and day out.
By Tiffany Hart