Have you ever thought what could I do to bring a little spice into my love life? Men and women alike, I am sure, have thought about this from time to time, especially if they have been married for any length of time.
There are a number of things that a man or a woman could do to spice up their marriage and that could be considered a gift for either one of you. Lingerie can be considered as a gift from both of you if you really think about it, because this is a gift that continues to gift back by adding a little spice into your life. The fact is that no one can lose when ever they give their loved one the gift of lingerie. However, the only time that giving lingerie as a gift would actually back fire is if the gift is purchased in the style or worse, in the wrong size.
If the individual, whether it is a man or woman, will put some time and consideration into purchasing the gift of the lingerie, then the receiver of the gift is rewarded with a great gift. It is too often that men will find themselves tempted to purchase some thing that they may happen to find attractive and sexy. These same men are then astonished later when their girlfriend or wife is utterly repulsed by the lingerie and they refuse to wear the garment at all.
It does take a special kind of woman to tolerate a thong, but men continue to thrust their desires into their lingerie purchase decisions that utterly conflict with the desires and tastes of the partner. In fact, thong sales actually only account for less than twenty-five percent of all lingerie purchases, which is why the odds are that a woman would probably wish and appreciate not receiving a thong as a gift from a man in their life, unless they actually do wear thongs.
In order to give lingerie as a gift, then the man or woman must do their homework prior to purchasing their gift. Men need to find out what the woman in their life is most happy about their body, because what ever this part of the body happens to be then lingerie is sure to accentuate it. For instance, if a woman is particularly proud of her cleavage, then a halter may be the way to go, but a chemise would probably be better for a woman with great legs. No matter what part of their body that a woman happens to be most comfortable with, then there is by all odds a piece of lingerie out there on the market that is readily made to complement it.
The color of the lingerie is really important to consider as well, because when you take in to consideration what color is more appropriate it is always important to take into account the color of the woman's hair. For some reason or another, blonds tend to enjoy colors that are light and not very bright, such as pastels. Brunettes on the other hand need a color that will accentuate their darker hues so it is best to choose colors such as purples, dark greens, and reds, which are actively worn by brunettes. Redheads really need a dark color, but it must still be complementary with their skin and hair such as greens and blues. There are very few redheads that can wear the color orange or even red, so you may want to keep that in mind whenever you are choosing a color.
By Victor Epand