Finding the Perfect Bra

Do you often wonder what makes some women’s breasts stand high and proud while others are down and out? Well, most of the time it isn’t genetic, it is caused by wearing the wrong bra. Not only the wrong size but also the wrong type. You have to find a bra that is designed for your size and shape.

If you are large breasted (size D or above) you shouldn’t buy a padded bra and one of those so called “wonder bras”. You need to choose one that has an under wire. I know some of you hear the word under wire and say, “ugh”. But truly your breasts won’t look as good unless you have one. If you choose the right under wire bra there is no reason that it should hurt or be uncomfortable. Most of the time the problem with wires poking out arises from buying poor quality bras or simply because of laundering them improperly.

If your breasts are a size C or below you don’t necessarily have to go with an under wire bra. Most of the time the bras without will work just fine. While a lot of smaller breasted women prefer to wear padded bras to help accentuate their curves they must also make sure not to purchase a bra that squeezes there breasts too tightly. Some cleavage is great but too much cleavage and you could be doing damage to your breasts by continually putting pressure on them.

Your bras will last much long if they are laundered properly. You should always wash your bra in the gentle cycle or hand wash and hang to dry. Never put your bra in the dryer as that can ruin the way it fits and cause unnecessary wear and tear. That is why the wires can poke out after just a couple of washings or the padding starts to wear. Also, remember to check yourself every few months to make sure your bra is fitting properly. A proper fitting bra increases the life of the bra as well as keeping our breasts healthy.

By Maryann Hildebrant