Bras in 2009 - Giving Yourself a Second Glance

The beauty of life is we get a new year every 365 days. No matter how much you messed up the last one, you get a clean sheet every January 1st! This change over also gives you an opportunity to consider whether your body has changed and you need to adjust your clothing accordingly.

When considering your body, there are many factors to contemplate. Time is generally not our friend. Gravity can really take a toll, but so can weight gain and such. The key is to be realistic about your body type, the changes that have occurred and what to do in light of them. These changes are particularly prevalent when we discuss your bras.

The first step to take is to gather up all your bras. Inspect each one closely. What kind of condition are they in? If the stitching is failing or threads are falling off, it is time to ditch them. Make sure to inspect the elastic closely. An otherwise perfect bra can become a problem when the elastic starts to go. If you wear older bras with wear and tear, you are not doing yourself any favors. Ditch them. You'll get to shop for new ones!
Sizing our new bras is the next big issue. When was the last time you admitted your bra size changed? If it has been more than a few years, you really need to take another look at yourself. Weight loss or increase can have a big effect over the years. Gravity can be even worse. I can almost guarantee that your size from five years ago is utterly wrong today, particularly when it comes to cup size. Take the time to get the right fit! To this end, consider consulting with a bra expert to get a professional fitting.

Now the fun part - shopping! There are a wide variety of bra brands, styles and materials. The fact you didn't like something five years ago doesn't mean much of anything today. Times change and so does your body. Try everything. You are looking for those few products that are perfect. Once you have them, you can buy multiples of each and be set for a year or two. Take your time and be thorough.

Once you nail down the products you like, don't buy them. Instead, go home and jump on the web. Online bra sites do not have the overhead of a brick and mortar store, so they sell bras cheaper. You should also only shop at sites that give you free shipping regardless of the size of your order. Given the price of bras these days, this approach will save you some serious cash.

2009 is upon us. What better time is there for you to buy some new bras?!

By Tiffany Hart