There is a reason that most lingerie features lace, it is seen as extremely sexy by women as well as men. In the lingerie industry the fabric is used in many different styles and designs and it doesn't matter if the piece is all lace or just has lace accents it is sexy all the same. Those who are lovers of lace might have a hard time finding lace lingerie that is sexy and attractive and yet still soft and non scratchy too. If you choose lace that comes from synthetic fibers it will not feel nearly as good as lace from silk. Silk is the only fiber of which lace is made that is not scratchy. Lace from synthetic fibers may be cheaper but you will pay for it by having your delicate areas become tender due to the irritation from this type of material.
It pays to be choosy when you are looking for these lacy lingerie garments so that they are sexy but yet comfortable and practical so that it isn't chafing you and rubbing you.
If you can't afford true silk lace but can't afford it try to go with other options like satin sheer or nude. What this allows you to do is keep your skin against the softer material but still enjoy the lace and there are hundreds of different types of lingerie that feature lace without having it chafing your tender areas. Some of the better choices include chemises and negligees that have satin at the bust area and lace straps. You can also find teddies that have sheer or lace on the sides of the bust. If all types of lace lingerie tends to irritate your skin then try to find lingerie made of silk or satin that features silk or satin with trim of lace at the neck area or on the legs.
One thing you can do if you have lace lingerie that you really want to wear but it irritates you, try this little trick. Fill a sink with hot water and hot water and a lot of fabric softener and leave it soaking for twenty four hours. You may want to keep refilling the water so that it stays as hot possible for the best results. This process will make the fabric limber and take out the itchy and scratchy feeling that most lace has. You may have to repeat this process a couple of times per week before the lace is soft enough.
For most, lace is one of the most desirable features in lingerie but for a lot of people it can be very irritating if it is worn for long periods of time. If you simply must have lace, spend the money and go with silk. This will give you the best in comfort and control plus it will give you a sexy feeling and you will be able to wear it for a long time.
By Gregg Hall