So you’ve never compared a great nursing bra to a pot of beef stew? Maybe you are too busy nursing your new baby at all hours of the day and night. Maybe you are thoroughly exhausted by the demands of being a new mom and feeling too overwhelmed to consider such trivia. Maybe you need a few minutes time-out to laugh and chuckle. If there is one new mother product that is critical to a nursing mother, it is finding a high-quality, well-fitted, sturdy yet lovely nursing bra. Any new mom will agree that a nursing bra is the key to a new mother’s happiness and well-being. If you are not convinced a great nursing bra is much like a pot of beef stew, read the below cheeky comparison:
* The contents of both a nursing bra and a pot of beef stew are both nutritious and delicious.

* Both a nursing bra and a pot of beef stew come in various sizes depending on the size of your family
* Spills and leaks are prevented with a good, sturdy construction
* The contents of both a nursing bra and a pot of beef stew sloshes when driving over speed bumps
* Both a nursing bra and a pot of good beef stew contain the secret to a man’s desire.

* Turning up the heat will produce a more pleasing experience and increased enjoyment in both
* A woman typically fills both a nursing bra and a pot of beef stew; a man usually enjoys them
By Amber Lipson