Buying your daughters first bra is a special time, for you and her. It is a symbol that she is becoming a young lady, as she leaves child hood. It can also be a sad time for a parent that has a hard time letting their children grow. If you follow a few simple things, it can become a wonderful childhood memory for her.
Don’t tease her about it, but rather treat it as a special time for you and her. Find out what she likes, and surprise her with matching sets of bras and panties. Don't bother with the plain white, but get something special that she will remember for the rest of her life (I'm not talking about lingerie, but just something nice). As you do this, remember that she is still a young girl, and may need your guidance and understanding.
Once your daughter reaches puberty, go ahead and bye her nice undergarments, pretty training bras, soft silky things that make her feel good. Let her pick out a variety of colors, and materials.
Help her get the right fit, and give her tips that can help. Remember that her first bra should be comfortable, and should not restrict her breast. A bra should not be too tight, as her breasts are still developing.
As for the different kinds of bras; sports bra or training bra, bye her both, and then let her decide.
For more information about bras, breast developments, and bra sizes, please visit http://www.myfirstbra.us.
By Kim Shire