There are just too many women grabbing bra off the rack without even knowing how to calculate their bra size. How many of you go to a lingerie store offering a bra-fitting service then discover (after you have made a large purchase) that it just doesn't have that comfortable feel, or doesn't leave flattering results under your clothing.
The difficultly in purchasing the perfect bra is that many women don't really know what to look for. So many options exist today that making the right choice can be hard. My intention for writing this article is to provide useful information so you can make a purchase you can be happy with months later.
First make sure you are wearing a bra with no extra padding. Now you are ready to measure...
Your first measurement should be taken around the bra just below your bust. Make sure you breathe out while reading the tape so that the measurement will be the smallest possible. If your measurement is a half size make sure to round it to the nearest whole one.
If your size is even, add 4"
If your size is odd, add 5"
This is your BAND SIZE.
Next, using the posture your mother taught you, make sure your arms are at your sides, measure at the fullest part of your bust being sure the tape is not too tight. Again, if you measure a half size be sure to round to the nearest whole one. Having a friend around might help here.
This is your BUST SIZE.
Finally, you can calculate your correct bra size. Subtract your BAND size from your Bust size
to achieve your cup measurement. Most often, for every inch of difference the cup goes up one letter size. For instance: 0"-1/2" = AA, ½"-1" = A, 2" = B, 3" = C, 4" = D, 5" = DD or E, 7" = G and so on.
Your bra size is your Band Size + Letter Size together. Note that once you get above Letter D the sizing can become more varied between manufacturers, so make sure you check out the sizing charts if you are ordering online. If you are purchasing in a store make sure you try on the bra you want to take home.
By Audrey Shaffer