When one thinks of leather lingerie, erotic and sensuous come to mind. This is the time-born concept that sells all women’s lingerie; this is the time born concept that plays on all adult movies and adult magazines; this is in fact the time born concept that every woman and man is instilled with from the moment of puberty.

Leather lingerie is not like any other lingerie. It is not the traditional type of lingerie that would simply compliment a woman’s body figure or make her feel beautiful and sensuous like only a woman could feel. Leather lingerie is instead a mischievous and playful bedroom attire; it is meant to both stimulate and tease. And it certainly is not the type of lingerie that anyone would buy or wear the sole intention of going to sleep!

Leather lingerie is not like any other lingerie. It is not the traditional type of lingerie that would simply compliment a woman’s body figure or make her feel beautiful and sensuous like only a woman could feel. Leather lingerie is instead a mischievous and playful bedroom attire; it is meant to both stimulate and tease. And it certainly is not the type of lingerie that anyone would buy or wear the sole intention of going to sleep!
It takes a woman who is confident of herself and appreciative of her own body to wear any type of lingerie. It is probably the greatest test for a woman however, to wear leather lingerie. This is because you cannot hide yourself or be the demure woman in leather lingerie; leather lingerie is the only type of lingerie that really ‘showcases’ a woman’s body. Leather lingerie, unlike other lingerie, releases all inhibitions and repressed sexualities. It brings out a side of most adults that are often suppressed or hidden from even the ones we hold dearest to us. It therefore takes a woman who is sure of her own self to wear leather lingerie.

But in addition to being confident of her own self, the woman who chooses to wear leather linger must also be fully confident about her relationship, or at least come to an agreement with both parties involved. A woman often cannot and will not release her greatest fears to her partner until she is fully comfortable in his presence. But even today is a time that is filled with much sexual awareness and acceptance of our individual sexualities, we still often find women who are not secure enough in their own skins to be the creative and stimulating woman that most men fantasize about; and leather lingerie is most obviously the starting point and ending point of all erotic fantasies among both men and women (whether or not they admit it is another story to tell).

By David Yu