Do you get soreness or just outright pain in your breasts? Known as Mastodynia, the discomfort may be something that a simple bra change could resolve.
Mastodynia is one of many types of breast pain. It is somewhat of a catch all phrase, but describes a pain that can be dull or sharp and can come and go. It doesn't get much more obtuse than that, eh?
For most women, the real fear of Mastodynia is that it is an indication of the dreaded breast cancer. The good news is it usually is not. Breast cancer usually presents as a lump and the lump is rarely painful. Mastodynia, on the other hand, is often more a result of pain in joints surrounding the breasts or an underlying arthritic condition. In short, we are talking apples and oranges.
If you suffer from pain in the breast, there are a number of different strategies for dealing with the problem. In some cases, changes to a person's diet can make a world of difference. This is particularly true if you drink a lot of caffeine. Since there are different causes and different manifestations to breast pain, diet is not a cure all.
Changing your bra probably does not sound like a form of treatment to you. In truth, it can make a world of difference. Why? Well, most women wear the wrong size of bra. Even if they get the size correct, the often wear the bra incorrectly which can cause a lot of pain through the neck, shoulders and breast.
This combination can make you miserable over time. In a recent UK study, women suffering from breast pain were given a professional bra fitting for a full support bra. 24 percent of them were "cured". Obviously, there was no cure other than getting a comfortable fit. It may sound unbelievable, but think about wearing pants that are two sizes too small. After a while, you are going to be miserable and your waistline is going to be painful to the touch.
As women, we are fearful of breast cancer and rightly so. Pain in your breasts, however, usually is not a sign of breast cancer, so don't panic when it occurs. Instead, get a professional bra fitting to see if that takes care of the problem. If it doesn't, then speak with a doctor about your options. Again, Mastodynia is rarely a first indicator of breast cancer, so don't be miserable because you are afraid to go see a doctor. You could be living in pain for no reason whatsoever.
By Tiffany Hart