Of the many troubles and hassles that a bride-to-be often goes through to plan and successfully pull of a beautiful wedding, the honeymoon is usually the furthest event from her mind. The bridal shower is supposed to take this into consideration and be an event that prepares the bride-to-be for what is to follow, for planning for the honeymoon is one of the most exciting and liberating events that a bride-to-be will ever experience. And whether it is done with anticipation or trepidation, the bridal lingerie is one of the most important aspects of the bridal shower.

Bridal lingerie is also used to describe all undergarments that the bride would wear on her wedding day. These include the garter and seamless corsets, bras and bustiers that the bride would wear under her wedding gown. For the wedding night however, the variety of bridal lingerie that are available at almost any lingerie store would be nothing less than stupefying. The bridal color is and has been traditionally white for generations upon generations, and many new brides often prefer to keep to the traditional white bridal lingerie on the first night of the honeymoon. For some, this could be a purely traditional and innocent gesture, for others the white lingerie itself takes on an entirely whole new meaning in the bedroom.
Of the many types of lingerie available, the baby doll type is one of the most favored among first time brides or young brides. This type of bridal lingerie is one of the most flattering styles of all lingerie collections, and it is also one of the safest styles for the hesitant new bride. Camisoles and nightdresses are also other innocent additions to the list of demure bridal lingerie. In addition, camisole sets are another group of simple yet alluring bridal lingerie that finds its place among the softer hearted brides.
On the other side of the table however, the bustiers and corsets tend to be the favored bridal lingerie types among the more confident and stronger women who look forward to their wedding night with a great deal more anticipation. These types of bridal lingerie are meant to do more than simply allure or tempt the newly wed husband; they unmistakably speak for themselves of the wickedly passionate night that is to follow. It is the confident couple however who indulge in such straightforward romping on their wedding nights, as opposed to those who are still to learn of each others needs and desires.

Within these two extremes you would find another type of newlywed bride in an altogether different approach to bridal lingerie. The robe is often a disarming weapon that the woman uses to tempt and tease of what is to follow beneath. Bridal lingerie of this type is most comfortable for women who are confident of their relationships and themselves, but are not of the same lively or challenging spirits as those who would wear corset bridal lingerie. Erotic and sensuous two-piece bridal lingerie or even teddy lingerie can easily be worn beneath a robe without the slightest indication if one does not wish it.
By David Yu