Bras Gone Bad - My Straps Keep Slipping

At first glance, you would think the average bra is a fairly simple piece of clothing to fit and wear. As we ladies know, this simply isn't the case. Getting the perfect fit is something akin to quantum physics. Problems like slipping straps seem to crop up all the time.

How do we deal with slipping bra straps? Well, the first step is to stop and make sure we understand how the bra is supposed to work. To understand, just picture a strapless bra in your mind. Since there are no straps, the support must be coming from somewhere else, right? The band running around the bottom of the bra should be providing the vast majority of support. This fact does not change simply because a bra has straps. If the straps on your bra are providing more than 10 to 20 percent of the support, you have things all wrong and should go see a bra consultant.

Since your straps are slipping off, we'll assume you have the bottom up support approach correct. Still, slipping straps are annoying and a bit unsightly when you have to keep reaching up to put them back up on your shoulder. The fix is usually not too difficult. We just need to figure out the cause.

The most common cause of strap slippage is rather obvious. Your cup size is too large for your body. This gives the cup room to bend forward and back where the strap connects to it. This has the practical effect of changing the bra size, which makes it impossible to get the straps just right. The fix for this problem is to switch to a bra with the appropriate cup size.

Another problem that has popped up in recent years is trend oriented. Ah, trends - the cure and cause of all our problems. Regardless, the trend we are discussing here are wide shoulder strap bras. These bras intentionally place the straps towards the edge of the shoulder to create more of a pushed up bra with deep cleavage look. The look is good, but many women don't have the shoulder shape to support the straps. If your shoulders are nearly horizontal across the top, then the bra is no problem. If they curve, however, the straps will tend to slide off when you lean, twist or do anything that creates a slight bit of slack.

The cure for this problem is to ditch this style of bra. I know it hurts to miss a good trend, but the pain is much less than the cumulative annoyance of having to deal with your bra straps every couple of minutes. Consider using a racerback bra to take care of the problem.

By Tiffany Hart

Gain Confidence Through Women's Lingerie

There's a strong connection between women lingerie and confidence. This isn't about whether or not a woman has the confidence to go on a date wearing latex and leather lingerie, or even just a sexy bra with a matching sexy thong. It's more about how the sexy women's lingerie can make her feel.

What's underneath a woman's clothes is usually known only to the woman, and the person she decides to share it with (current fashion trends of exposing a lace g string notwithstanding). Her sexy sheer lingerie is something that is her secret. She knows that she looks good in it. She knows she feels sexy wearing it. And this is exuded in the way she conducts herself in public. She can be the most modestly dressed person in the restaurant, but if she knows she's wearing sexy hot lingerie, you can guarantee she's radiating confidence!
The sex appeal is coming from within her, and to anyone with her, that's a major turn-on. It's not the clothes, it's not even the ladies sexy lingerie that she's wearing (once she's along with someone she wants to get closer to) - although the sign of her risqué leather lingerie and the knowledge she's been wearing that all evening in public will be a huge additional turn-on for most partners - but it's more of the woman's own sexuality will come out because of the way the lingerie is making her feel. Hidden though it is, she can feel the fabrics against her skin, and she knows something that others don't and it's that women lingerie and confidence thing - it's dynamite!
The problem is that most women don't have the confidence they need to actually buy sexy lingerie. As close as they get may be g string thongs that have some style, but perhaps lacking on the sex scale! What she really needs is sexy sheer lingerie, black lace lingerie, or even white lace lingerie if she wants to play the demure seductress. That's all part of the sexy lingerie confidence. It's like she's playing the part of someone else, but instead of this someone else being false, it's her real inner sexuality that is brought to the surface through the wearing of something that could be completely out of step with how she normally dresses and behaves. It's liberating.

Even the most shy woman who has a reputation for being somewhat lacking in sexuality can be turned into a playful flirtatious tigress if she's wearing a sexy bra and panties that make her feel that she's all woman and in command of the relationship. If a woman feels good, she exudes confidence and sexuality and therein lies the power.

If you feel that your relationships are lacking because of your lack of self-esteem, take note. Start by buying some sexy bras - you can find plenty of them online, it's not even necessary to go to a ladies sexy lingerie store - and feel the difference that women lingerie and confidence make to your relationships!

By April C.

Lingerie Sets

The most important factor that every woman concentrates is their looks. They are more conscious in looking beautiful both internally and externally. To enhance their outer beauty spas give a helping hand. The introduction of the lingerie sets helps to feel them beautiful in choosing the right inner garments and this has made the work of choosing the right one they require much easier. They generally pay more care in choosing the right lingerie that suits them fits much similar as the tailor made and not as the store bought.

In Western countries, they still follow the tradition of gifting wedding lingerie which is called as trousseau for the bride from her mother. It is a sign of showing the love and affection to the bride. There are few well-known types of lingerie sets available in the market and some of them are Baby Doll set, Boy shorts and Camisole Set, Bridal set and Bikini set are some of them to mention. These types of lingerie sets helps the customers to choose based on the requirements.
Also this helps to reduce the time of walking around the shops to purchase what they require. This unique idea not only save the time but also help to get all they want at one place with right fitting as sets. Lingerie plays a very important role in order to give a perfect look on the dress they wear. If you are buying the lingerie set for the first time, complete guidance is provided through the online advisers to get, the right thing they require. Also, normal and plus size lingerie are also available which reduces the time of searching the right one you are looking for.

This makes the individuals feel at ease while purchasing the lingerie. They are available in different fabrics, which is up to the individuals to choose the ones that suits their skin well. Also the styles incorporated in designing the lingerie sets varies and it is catered in such a way to suit women of all age and type.

The individual should take a little care in maintaining the lingerie sets. While purchasing it is more important to have a glance on the labels that are attached to the garments which holds the information of washing type of the lingerie that you purchase. Following the washing instructions on the garment will help to give a longer life to the costly garments.

By Fredrick Joy

How to Choose a Thong Panty That Fits Your Body the Best

Whether you have a large lingerie collection of thongs, or if you're thinking of buying your first thong panty, you'll want to learn how to choose a thong that fits your body the best so that you get the perfect fit.

Thong panties come in all shapes, designs, and styles, and the purpose is to allow you to choose the type that fits your body the best. First and even before you look at the styles available at your favorite store, you should pay attention to the type of fabric the thong is made of. Some fabrics and thongs look pretty and sexy, but the fabric could chafe the delicate areas of your skin. Choose your fabric wisely.

Of course, you should always launder your undergarments before you wear them for the first time to remove the "sizing" or the fabric's synthetic finish. After washing your panties, they will feel softer to the touch and next to your skin. In addition, if you wear your new panties before washing them, any stains on them will be more difficult to remove later.
You'll want to select a panty fabric that is soft, natural, and breathable to allow the air to circulate between the fabric and your skin. For example, leather panties might look good, but you wouldn't want to wear them for eight hours while you're working.

Nylon, natural cotton, and microfiber are good fabric choices when buying women's underwear. Make sure that any moisture will be able to evaporate, otherwise, chafing can occur, and your skin will feel irritated and raw.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a thong that is perfect for your body type is the crotch area size of the fabric. The fabric on thongs is usually minimal so it doesn't bunch up and show through your clothing. However, when you choose a thong that has a cotton-lined crotch area, make sure that the length of the fabric fits appropriately for your body type.

If the fabric is too narrow, the thong may twist to one side or the other, which would make you want to fidget with the fabric several times during the day. Likewise, if you choose a thong that has stretchable lace, for example, the elasticity will create a more comfortable fit. Furthermore, if the fabric in the crotch area doesn't fit properly, it will drive you crazy if the length is too short, because the material will bind and could rub your skin raw.
When the fabric is soft and breathable, and the thong's fabric in the crotch area covers you and fits comfortably, then you'll know that you have found the brand and style of your favorite thong. Before long, you'll have an ample collection of thongs that you will love to wear and buy again when the old ones wear out.

By Olivia Matthews

Bikini Styles - Looking Good in a G-String Bikini

Women, have you noticed how men look at women who are wearing a bikini? No matter what the bikini style, men usually like what they see. Maybe it's time for you to find out how to look good in a g-string bikini.

We all feel the pressure from our culture to have a great looking body. Most women would love to have a fantastic bikini body. Everyday we see advertisements on TV, in newspapers and magazines displaying women in skimpy swimsuits.

Would You Like to Have a Bikini Body?

You can look great in any style bikini fast! There is a way for you to accomplish this. You can make this work with an easy to follow fat loss program, moderate exercise, combined with a healthy diet. There is no costly equipment to buy, impossible to follow diet, or hours spent exercising.

It is proven, documented fact that you can achieve that bikini look with a fat burning, muscle building program based on the latest scientific facts. You just need to get on that program and achieve the look of your dreams fast.

So, if looking good in an g-string bikini is what you really want to do, then you need to take action now.

Motivation: Buying Your Bikini Online

It is always good to have a goal and something to keep you motivated to reach that goal. Your best motivation would be to buy that bathing suit now.

Buying a sexy swimsuit doesn't have to be hard. You don't even have to drive to the local mall and spend hours looking for the perfect bikini. You can find any swimsuit you want with just the click of your mouse.

Any time, day or night, you can shop from the comfort of your living room. You can even check out some of the sexiest, tiny bathing suits, without any embarrassment.

Think of it - shops open 24/7 and no pesky sales people. Shop at your leisure; taking your time to pick out the perfect swimsuit.

Why Would You Want To Buy Now?

Any goal is always easier to reach if you have something motivating you. By purchasing your bikini swimsuit now you have a physical object that you can not only look at, but touch and feel. You can hold it up and imagine how great you will look in it.

There is sexy swimwear for every woman, no matter size or shape. So much can be done with so little fabric! Take advantage of the promise of beauty, and the perfect adventure that bikinis offer.

Take your time and check out the many different styles available online. Be reasonable - if you are wearing a size 9 now, don't expect to immediately fit into a size 4. Set realistic goals, be consistent in following the program, and enjoy a great body in your new G-String Bikini.

N. M. Ghimadeeva

Finding the Perfect Fit With an Underwire Bra

Study after study shows that most of us are wearing bras that don't really fit us. The "most" figure may be in the seventy percentile range. Pretty amazing, eh? Well, in this article we discuss how to find the perfect fit with an underwire bra.

When it comes to underwire bras, finding the perfect fit is all about the poking and jabbing of the underwire. It is also one way to define the appropriate size for your body. The underwire on the outer edge of the cup is the indicator. In general, it should run around the outside of band under the breast and then run back through the arm pit. For most women, this doesn't really seem to be the way it works.

You buy a new bra. It seems like a good fit in the store, but the first day you wear it, the underwire pokes you repeatedly in the arm pit. Besides being very annoying, it is also an indication the bra is to bi for you. The cup size may be fine, but the band area is to loose, which is causing the underwire to bend back towards your body when it heads into your armpit area. Try a smaller size with the same cup size to get a better fit.

The opposite is also true. You wear a new bra out for the night. It repeatedly pokes the inside of your arm or breast. The bra is too small for your chest. The band is being pulled to tight which is causing the underwire to be short and bent away from its natural path. Try moving up a size to see if the fit is better.

Another issue with getting the perfect fit on your underwire bra has to do with the cups. Women with smaller chests tend to wear cup sizes that are too large. Women with bigger chests tend to wear cup sizes that are too small. The best way to determine if you have the cup size right is to look at the location at the bottom of your cleavage where the bra meets your chest. That are should be flush with your skin. If not, your cup size is too small. Try bumping it up one size to see if the fit works for you.
The underwire is loved by women for the support it provides, but hated for all the poking and jabbing that seems to happen. If you can get the perfect fit, you can have all the positives and avoid the negatives of the underwire bra.

By Tiffany Hart

To Buy Or Not to Buy a Thong Or G-String?

There seems to be a lot of debate as to whether or not to buy a thong or G-string when it comes to purchasing lingerie. There are even certain online lingerie stores that actually sell thongs that will tell you it's not a good idea to buy a thong or a G-string if you're a touch curvier or don't have a swimsuit model body. I'd like to say one thing about these stores: They're nuts!

Granted I am looking at this from a male perspective and I will agree that a thong or G- string is more revealing and thus, may make you feel as if you are revealing too much however, when it comes to lingerie, the vast majority of males, myself included, don't see revealing too much as a major problem. Here's what I do see when it comes to buying a thong or G-string.
I see a thong or G-string as being sexy and attractive on any sized woman. There is no doubt in my mind that my thoughts parallel those of the majority of males on this planet. The reason I see a thong or G-string as being sexier that just a regular pair of panties on any woman is because our thong or G-string sends a completely different message.

A plain old pair of panties means a plain day with no excitement and nothing new or erotic and intriguing. A plain pair of panties is an undergarment for a regular day. So we can come to the conclusion that a plain pair of panties is great for a regular day however, when you're wearing lingerie, the last message you want to send is that things are regular. That's where buying a thong or G-string comes in.

Keep in mind that it's what a thong represents that makes it and the person who's wearing it sexy. It's far more so the representation that a thong or G-string makes that makes it appealing versus how it looks. So don't get caught up in how it looks, focus on what it represents. A thong represents a liberated, sexual, exciting and risqué women. These are all fantastic attributes when it comes to lingerie--they're even great attributes when it doesn't!

I promise that no matter what size or shape you are, you're far better off to purchase a slightly more revealing pair of panties such as a thong or G-string because you're representing that you are a sexual, confident and interesting woman by wearing such a garment.

Now I understand that this is a very one-sided opinion but I want you to take it to heart when you're looking at a thong or G-string for your next lingerie purchase and at least give it a try. I have yet to be disappointed by the appearance of a thong or G-string to date and I'm sure my future findings with these sexy, hot pieces of lingerie are going to be no different.
To start your journey to buying a thong or G-string, one of the best things to do is pick one up, start wearing it and don't tell anyone you're wearing it. Give it a try and see if it has a sexifying effect on you. I'll bet you'll be surprised how much sexier you do feel and there's no doubt, it'll rub off on others around you too and that's far more exciting than just another plain day.

By James Crest

Naughty Lingerie For Bride-to-Be

Well you've got it all planned, the perfect wedding - but have you remembered the naughty lingerie? When shopping for wedding necessities you must make sure that you remember that however pure and innocent you want to look as you face your beloved and make your vows, you also want to know that beneath all that white satin and lace of a designer wedding dress is some extremely sexy white lace lingerie!

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day, but the greatest thrill of all is knowing that whilst everyone is saying how gorgeous you look, and your husband to be is telling you you've never looked more beautiful, it's only going to be a few hours before he's changing his mind when he sees the sexy wedding lingerie that you're wearing underneath! Remember that it's not just the wedding night lingerie that can be naughty either. It should all start from the beginning of the day. Wearing sexy bra and panties underneath your wedding dress is a good way to start your special day. You're going to have a secret smile throughout the entire day waiting for the moment you can show your groom exactly how hot his new wife is!
Sexy lingerie shopping for your wedding night should be fun. Think about how you can create a night that you and your new husband won't forget for all the right reasons! How about finding something very erotic such as an outfit in latex and sexy leather? Or if you're going to be traveling overseas on honeymoon and don't want to be caught with something as sexy as naughty lingerie by a zealous custom's official, why not go for simple but sexy lingerie sleepwear? In this situation you could also tantilize your new husband by hinting at the sexy sheer lingerie such as a sexy thong you're wearing beneath the clothes you're wearing on the journey! On your honeymoon don't forget some sexy evening wear, such as sexy micro bikinis.

Enjoy this time with your husband to deepen the intimate side of your relationship and show him how playful - and naughty - you can be by the selection of sexy women's lingerie that you wear. Try wearing a stylish dress to dinner, but let his hand caress your thigh as you whisper about the la paula leather lingerie you're wearing under it. Tell him that it's nice, but assure him that the real naughty bondage leather lingerie is waiting at home. Have him as eager to get you home as he is to have you to himself on honeymoon! If wedding planning is taking up all of your time and you don't really have the time to spend locating the right kind of ladies sexy lingerie that will show you as a playful seductress, then take an evening off the planning with take a glass of wine and your credit card in front of the computer. There are many places you can buy sexy lingerie online, and you'll be able to see the wide choices available and let your imagination and fantasies run free as you choose the best naughty lingerie with which to thrill your new husband.

By April C.

Christmas Lingerie To Jingle His Bells

The greatest part about Christmas is the joy one gets from giving. Why not give your man a gift he will remember and add to the exhilarating excitement of the Christmas season? Change up your routine holiday rituals with some Christmas lingerie so you can jingle his bells and celebrate the intimate part of your relationship by bringing out some creativity in the bedroom. A popular Christmas lingerie item this season is the Santa's Little Helper costume, complete with a hunter green and white sexy elf ensemble. Another sure fire hit is the ever-so sexy red and white fur-trimmed Miss Santa Claus outfit. If these don't suit you, how about a Christmas-inspired g-string with a red holiday bow as the string? It doesn't have to be over-the-top. We're sure that any of these Christmas lingerie items will help make your holiday season a happy one.
Your man will enjoy seeing you in a gorgeous Santa lingerie outfit. Giving the gift of Christmas lingerie gives your partner the idea that all you want for Christmas is them, and that thought alone will help give you both a greater, more sensual holiday experience. Go ahead and take a quick break from baking those Christmas cookies, shopping and putting up your tree, and coax your man into the bedroom by modeling your new sexy Christmas lingerie for him and present yourself as his ultimate holiday gift!

Don't forget that Christmas lingerie and Sexy Santa costumes are for women of all ages. Are you getting older, but still have a fun side that you like to show off? Just because you're getting older, that doesn't mean you have to dress like an old person. Some sites have you covered on fun and festive holiday & Christmas lingerie items for all ages. Christmas lingerie shopping is easier to do online. With the click of a mouse, you will save yourself hours of frustration trying to find parking at your local superstores.

By Tatyana Cathcart

Luxurious Silk Lingerie

Silk lingerie would be a fine type of lingerie that is specially designed for wearing in hot climates. This is because silk could keep you cool as the fabric absorbs moisture from its surrounding while allowing your body to breathe. Silk is one of the oldest and earliest textile fibers which have been discovered by man. From the time it was discovered, silk has been considered to be a symbol of luxury as well as regarded as the queen of all textiles. This fabric is delicate, smooth and offers a comfortable warmth. With its amazing shiny texture, silk could easily make every woman sensual and beautiful. And as such, it is a popular choice among many women.

Today, many types and styles of silk lingerie are available in almost every imaginable color and size. Styles would include charming camisoles to the elegant baby doll, embellished silk g-string panties, spandex sports bras and even brief sets. There are a lot of customized silk lingerie designers that would design lingerie based on your specifications and preferences. There are even designers who have started creating silk lingerie for men.
Many women buy silk lingerie for wearing on special occasions like a honeymoon, a wedding, birthdays or wedding anniversaries and other special events. However, silk lingerie could be quite costly. Prices are usually around $50 and could go up to hundreds, which would depend on the design. You could purchase machine made and handmade silk lingerie. Obviously, the handmade pieces would be more expensive and are more popular.

By Priyanka Arora

Sexy Plus Size Lingerie That Fits

The company was designed to present high quality, comfortable lounge wear and lingerie. Daniele found, from personal experience, that it is hard to find good quality lounge wear and lingerie at affordable prices in plus sizes.

There is no more squeezing into shoes that don't fit; Daniele's has sizes ranging from 5 through 17.

While working with models at one of Daniele's fashion shows, and coordinating events for transsexuals, Williams found that it was a high demand for large comfortable shoes in this niche of the fashion industry.

When potential clients say," I don't have anyone to look good for; " Daniele's theory is that you will feel good about yourself, for yourself.

. DBS Sassy but classy lounge wear,lingerie and footwear. I just really like to people that are like for good plus size apparel, because that's were I had my problem at finding comfort. Woman like to be sexy. Lingerie make some woman feel real good, and that want matter. The woman makes the would go round.

This is especially beneficial for transgender men and cross dress who often prefer to do these purchases in a private environment.

By Daniele

Simone Perele Eliza Black Underwired Triangle Bra

Unique Details:

A truly exquisite black underwired triangle bra in transparent black tulle highlighted with a classic and delicate soft blue floral embroidery on the bra cup. The deeply plunging neckline is met with a small blue bow at the centre and thin double straps to create a delicate yet elegant bra.

Personal Opinion:

This Simone Pérèle triangle bra is simply beautiful! It has the modernity of a triangle bra with the support of an underwire whilst having double rouleau straps. The simplicity in the embroidery on the sheer black cups is what makes this bra stand out from the rest, and the bound bra cup edge and double straps add elegance and charm.

This definitive Simone Perele bra looks absolutely gorgeous on a lady and is definitely one of my favorites! The triangle shape fits great and will suit most and flatter all sizes, however it is important to bear in mind that this style of darted cups will not offer the same support as a seamed bra cup. Nevertheless, this bra is absolutely perfect for everyday wear, and will look great in the bedroom when teamed with the matching thong from the set that mirrors the elegant embroidery on the bra. A perfect addition to any women's collection, both night or day!
Comfort: 5/5

Style: 5/5

Fit 5/5

Find the Full Simone Perele Simone Perele Eliza Set at Mio Destino including, Simone Perele Eliza Underwired Triangle Bra, Simone Perele Eliza Black String.

By Paul Bowers

Plus Size Bras - Larger Online Selection

We all know the difficulty of looking for a new bra, but it becomes more difficult if you’re overweight to find something that is both supportive and comfortable at the same time, especially if you need plus size bras. Thanks to today’s market there are plus size bras available for the support you need and the comfort you want and an added feature of beauty.

You can find plus size bras that are beyond what you would have put up with in the past, such as bras that were so practical that they was nothing pretty about them. Now you can find not only plus size bras that you enjoy wearing, but there also bras that are very sexy.

Sexy plus size bras are very popular on the market as all women enjoy wearing these to look special for that special someone or just for themselves. You will find very feminine lacy plus size bras, or bras done in satin, silk, lace and cotton, bras with under wire, strapless plus size bras, and minimizer full figure bras.
During pregnancy, a mother-to-be will notice that her normal size bra doesn’t fit anymore and may need to buy plus size bras to be more comfortable. By wearing these you can improve the look of your figure, feel comfortable and confident in a plus size bra that fits just right. A full figure bra that fits properly will help improve your posture. It will also give you an overall good feeling about yourself, when you are wearing one with a sexy design.

There is also a wide variety of plus size nursing bras available for new mothers today. They are made for comfort and support and are also very pleasing to look at as well as wear. They are also made to be very handy for when you’re nursing with easy snaps for those late night feedings.

Look for plus size nursing bras that have braiding support instead of wiring. This will make your bra much more comfortable if you have to sleep in it. Most nursing bras are made out of cotton/ lycra for gentle support that is good for day or night, but you can also have these plus size bras in sexy designs as well.

Plus size bras have finally come into their own from the unsightly bras of the past to the fantastic sexy bras of today. From sports to sexy to your everyday pretty bra, they are all there for you to choose which one will suit you best. From a peek a boo lace to a stretchy lycra, comfort is yours at last. All you have to do is click your mouse and you will find whatever your heart desires in a plus size bra.

Plus size bras have come of age. Don’t expect an inferior bra if you are buying plus size bras, modern large bras are very good.

By Peter Crump

The Hottest Piece of Lingerie to Guys

Contrary to popular belief, it's not the corset, it's not a bustier, thongs are a close second but they to fall short of securing the first place spot. The hottest piece of lingerie to guys is: the babydoll!

That's right! The babydoll reigns supreme! A babydoll is the ultimate lingerie item because it's a little bit more elegant and exotic the most other pieces of lingerie and it's revealing yet not too revealing and it's classy, but wait, there's more. There are many types of baby dolls that are popular.
Depending on what type of gent you are with, you can enhance things by picking the better babydoll (don't worry if you can't find the exact kind of babydoll because any babydoll on its own is more than enough to drives us wild!). If your guy likes a bad girl, a leather babydoll may suit the situation best however, if you believe he enjoys elegance more so than not, a satin or lace babydoll may be the best piece of sexy lingerie for the evening.

Now all guy feelings aside, whether you're wearing a babydoll made of leather lace or macaroni, the biggest turn on to any guy is whether you're comfortable and confident while wearing it. There's nothing that makes a piece of lingerie such as a babydoll hotter than a confident, sexy woman who's proud to show it off.

Odds are you're already a confident woman because very few non-confident women buy lingerie. And a babydoll is simply going to enhance that confidence of yours.

Babydolls enhance other things too. The real bonus here is that babydolls are probably one of the most complementary pieces of sexy lingerie to a woman's figure. Babydolls naturally enhance your sexy features and soften those areas you may not want to draw attention to. These features have made baby dolls one of the most popular pieces of lingerie among both men and women.

There's one more bonus babydolls offer to you. Not only will you be feeling ultra sexy in a babydoll, you'll be extra thrilled at how reasonably priced babydolls are on some online lingerie stores. Baby dolls are relatively simple to make and don't use huge amounts of materials making them one of the most affordable pieces of lingerie you can buy. Unlike a corset or a bustier with intricate sewing patterns, wires and stays, a babydoll is mostly a simple design made from one or two silky materials.

By James Crest

9 Tips For Better Breast Health

Breast Cancer - The biggest killer among women.

Is there any relationship between bras and breast cancer?

Not sure?

Just try the following 9 tips for better breast health and feel the difference yourself.

9 tips for better breasts health.

1. Always wear a bra of right size and right shape.

2. While choosing a bra never ignore soreness and swelling that it may cause.

2. Get rid of your "breast binding habits" Do not wear bra for more than 12 hours a day.

3. Never sleep in your bra. This way you can avoid breasts cancer.
4. If your breasts have developed lumps, cysts and tenderness then do not get alarmed. Get rid of your bra for most of the times and soon those symptoms will vanish.

5. Regular breasts massage, bicycle riding, vitamins, and minerals improve your breasts health.
6. Whenever you pull away your bra massage your breasts for a while and breathe deeply.

7. Drink purified water. It may also improve your breasts health a lot.

8. Never wear a tight bra. Whenever possible wherever possible be braless.

9. Take it off at home. You will look more attractive. Let your breasts bounce
and move freely. Every bounce and every movement gently massages the breasts and increases lymphatic flow.

Now or never.

What will you prefer?

"Bra off or breasts off"

By Marki H Meer

The Ever Present Bra - Still A Foundational Part Of A Woman's Lingerie Wardrobe

Bras are a necessary part of a woman’s lingerie wardrobe. You could simply buy a stack of your favorite comfortable bra and integrate it into your daily wardrobe…or not. What would be the fun in that? Bras don’t need to be boring and basic.

The bras of yesteryear were pretty much all of the same. Today, bras are out there for every occasion. You can buy bras in just about any shade known to man. Style, also has numerous variations for specific purposes in your life.

Your bra collection should be just as varied as you are. Some bras are designed for elegance under a specific sort of outfit. Other bras are designed for support during your workout. Bras with front closures can be comfortable and convenient. Nursing bras are specifically designed for comfort and convenience while breastfeeding. You will want to dabble in the categories and varieties of bras to learn what types work best for you.
Bras have evolved over the years. Today’s tight fitted clothing has sparked the invention of bras that hide your most private parts. Razorback bras spawned from ladies’ love of spaghetti straps. Padded bras and bosom boosting varieties have exploded with popularity in recent times.

Even the fabric of your bra has changed over time. The fashion industry has realized the potential in the lingerie market. Bras are big business. Women want bras that are strong and durable, yet sexy and sensual. Soft fabrics that feel and look great are all the rage. Your bras and other lingerie should make you feel and look attractive.

The seamless bra is a must in any woman’s wardrobe. The molded cups with thin foam helps to hide nipples and add support. Women with uneven breasts love this bra. The seamless bra has no lace or frills, but looks flawless under a tiny tee.

A strapless bra is essential in your lingerie drawer. This bra will work under strappy dresses or tanks. It is perfect for under an evening gown or clothes for work. Strapless bras can be supportive without slipping or crushing your ribs. Even if you know your size in bras and lingerie, try on a strapless bra for just the right fit.

A push up bra suits its name. This bra boosts your bosoms and your look. It can
Be dressed up with a little lace. This bra looks terrific under casual tees, sweaters, or professional gear.

Each and every woman must have a T-back bra in her lingerie collection. Warm weather brings about tanks and sleeveless shirts. The T-back bra keeps your bra straps from showing. T-back bras that close in the front will offer you the most support.

Whether you are headed to work, or off to a night out on the town, few things will make you look and feel great in the same way as your perfect bra. A bra can really make a difference in your wardrobe. Your lingerie collection, has some basic essentials, but there is no need to stop there. Create a lingerie collection you can look and feel good in everyday.

By Gregg Hall

Sexy Panties - Why Men Love Them and Women Need Them

There's a difference between women's underwear and sexy panties. Underwear is functional. It is worn for sanitary purposes. Sexy panties are about femininity, self-expression, and style. Sexy panties are perhaps the only item of clothing that can influence the mood of both women and men.

While panties may have evolved over the years as the embodiment of female sexuality, they did not start out that way. Their original purpose was to cover-up and minimize a woman's feminine features.

The first "panties" were the brainchild of Elizabeth Miller, but Amelia Bloomer revised them during the 1850's. They were essentially long, baggy pants ending at the ankles (a.k.a. "bloomers"). In the late 18th century bloomers got two other nametags - knickers and knickerbockers.

When the roaring 20s arrived, signaling the end of World War I, young women began wearing shorter skirts for greater comfort while dancing. With all of the high leg kicking that was taking place, undergarments went from being a private article of clothing, to potentially being a public display of intimate fashion apparel.

As a result the first pastel panties were designed and the word "lingerie" first appeared in public. The term lingerie derives from the French word 'lin' which means linen. During the beginning of the 20th century it was still being called underwear and was worn mainly for hygienic purposes. It was at this time that bloomers began to shrink in size.

In the 1940s, Frederick's of Hollywood opened shop in Hollywood. They began turning out prettier undergarments, lingerie, and corsets. Many viewed these more fashionable undergarments as "hooker" attire. After all, why would a respectable woman need raunchy panties?

Thus, any pretty and/or fashionable garments worn under clothing were deemed as lingerie; which was associated with bad girls who did bad things...that men liked. Frederick's of Hollywood still carries this stigma today and as a result, has been overshadowed by Victoria's Secret as a more "respectable" undergarment retailer.

Colorful, bright, sexy, and flashier fashions of women's lingerie were becoming available. More fabrics such as cotton, satin, lace and silk began to be incorporated into the makeup of women's lingerie, making them more desired by females and more sensual to males.


This is perhaps the great turning point when panties became more than simple hygiene products and were viewed as a symbol for sexuality and eroticism worldwide.

During the 1960s, there was a stir about the old, traditional views of women's undergarments, which some people wanted to look more like females' anatomies. Female anatomy was largely misunderstood due to censorship of the subject. Some feminist women were complaining that traditional women's undergarments were created to impose control and distort the appearance of women's figures (which it originally did).

This movement caused many females to have a new outlook on their undergarments. The underpants began to be made more like women's anatomy, as designers experimented with different cuts and fabrics. The underpants got smaller and skinnier and began to be more openly sexualized.

Then the 70s and sexual liberation arrived. Inhibitions diminished and so did the tolerance for grandma panties (which is what bloomers were now called).


While many credit Rudi Gernreich with introducing the first modern thong back in 1974 - in this country - it was actually the Egyptians, conceptually, who were one of the earliest people to wear them. The loincloth, worn thousands of years ago by them, is likely to be the first undergarment worn by humans and it evolved into the thong over the years. So, ironically, it was first worn by men in ancient times before it evolved into part of women's lingerie in modern times.

The thong, originally called a V-back, are a special type of underwear that ride high on the hips and leave the bottom almost completely exposed. They were also worn for many years by exotic Brazilian dancers during festivals. Thongs also grew in popularity during the 80s in South America and were used as swimwear at the beaches. The popularity of the thong spread to various parts of the world in the late 80s.

In the US, the thong had to gain acceptance before it gained popularity. In the early 90s R&B vocalist Sisqo and his famous "Thong Song" helped with both. Today, the thong is one of the best selling styles of undergarment in the world. The size of the lingerie industry is said to be over $2 billion a year. The rest is history.

Because most articles of this nature are written by women, I thought it would be nice to offer a male point of view on the sex appeal of various types of panties and why men love them.


Commonly referred to as "butt floss" because they are made with the least amount of material, G-Strings are a woman's best defense against panty lines. They are virtually invisible under snug or tight fitting pants. G-Strings look best on the woman who has a rounder, more well-defined ass.

For women who lack plumpness in that area, a G-String with a triangle back will add more definition to your buttocks and make them appear rounder in the way that thongs do. Thongs are best for visually enhancing and adding definition to less defined buttocks.


This is a relatively new G-String. It has a low front panel, which makes it smaller than a G-string. While I like the concept and the visual, Micro G-Strings seem very impractical and slightly uncomfortable, but very, very erotic. Perhaps best for "situational" use.


These are a hybrid between Thongs and G-String. They have more material and cover a greater portion of the buttocks than G-Strings. They also provide greater ass definition for those who need it, but lack the comfort of G-strings.


A C-String is a type of thong that has only a thin string connecting the front piece covering the vagina. Unlike the more popular G-String, V-String, and T-String, the C-String does not contain a waist band. It is held in place by a flexible frame which "clamps" onto the body. It looks more like a space age medical device, but clearly it's easy to remove...which can have its benefits.


This thong has a wide waistband going around the back. The T shape is made by the juncture of the waistband part merging into the back material of the thong. This version of the thong is perhaps the least favorite among men. It looks and feels like a belt. The material in the waist seems excessive.


Boy shorts, also known as boy short panties, boys' cut, booty shorts, shorties, tap panties or boy-leg briefs are a sort of lingerie that goes all the way down the hips. Some stop short of the length of the hip to reveal a portion of a woman's "cheeks" for titillation. They are similar in style to male boxer shorts - but are tighter and of course, much sexier. Men like them because they are fun, flirty, and sensual. If you have nice, plump, round buttocks, boy shorts will accentuate your assets.


The classic bikini is still sexy - subtle, but sexy. They come in many variations. Bikini underwear can refer to virtually any undergarment that provides less coverage to the midsection than traditional underwear, panties or knickers. As much as men love the aforementioned panties, bikini briefs tend to outnumber most panties in a woman's undergarment supply.


The ass bra allegedly enhances the lift, shape and volume of the ass while also flattening the lower tummy and shaping the thigh. That's quite a lot to deliver on. My research revealed their average price to be $64.

How does it work? According to one website:

"Constructed of 3 high-tech inner and outer silky-soft layer made of a Nylon/Spandex blend creates a smooth seamless look under clothing. A high-compression latex middle layer provides breathable and flexible slimming of the tummy. A creative solution for those who want the illusion of slim and trim thighs, a tummy-tuck and a butt-lift without the use of padding."


These are Bikini-style panties with either a peephole or a lace-up in the back, so named for the "cleavage" view they create. They don't do much for men; though they seemingly provide women with more air, should they desire it.


These are...interesting panties which do away with backside fabric completely and are held up by a band underneath the buttocks. Hmm...can't see the point of them.

On the Flirty Lingerie website I read the most powerful and intelligent statement about sexy panties...which was written by a woman:

"When a woman passes a mirror she may pause to see if she is all put together. That includes her hair, makeup, teeth and so on. Never is the focus on the panties she is wearing and perhaps rightfully so. I don't advocate that a woman should check out her underwear throughout the day for obvious reasons. On the other hand...the clothes a woman wears make a statement about her sense of style, fashion sense and personality; therefore the choice of panties can, and does, make a difference in a woman's wardrobe."

I couldn't agree more.

By Gian Fiero

Plus Size Lingerie - Now Throw Away The Shame And Be Confident

Clothes play an important part to define our personality. Its role becomes more important when we talk about women particularly. The innermost garment of a woman is lingerie. It is used by almost all of them irrespective to the geographical and demographical limitations. The lingerie manufacturing companies make the underwear of all size and varieties. One can find the products available for even overweight and abnormally obese women. Due to the modern lifestyle such women develop a hefty body and as the result they require larger size lingerie. They start neglecting the beauty concerns and so develop some sign of depression in them.

There are not many companies which are known for making the larger size underwear items. The Plus size lingeries are labeled as extra large and sometimes even in the form of numbers. The best thing with these products is that they are available in fashionable designs even if they are larger than normal. Earlier such products were not available but since the plus size women are becoming more health conscious now, so many companies have come into this field.

Today, one can find many designers underwear items available which are designed by the top notch designers. In many fashion shows, the designer bras and panties can be seen. In fact, it has become a fashion statement these days.
There are a number of styles, colours and designs available for the extra large size women these days. Plus size lingeries provide in many varieties such as the leather, satin or silk types, etc. These are not only convenient to the person who is wearing but also help them to look slimmer. It is having sexy bras that match the personality of a fatty woman. It also helps them to be more comfortable and confident. Now, they don't need to be ashamed of their size because there are garments available for them too.

It is really important to select the perfect size when making the purchase decision. One can check the comfort level by trying them in the change room. If it is not fit for one's size, one should take another and repeat the process. Taking other's advice in case one is not sure of the size could be a better idea. The elders or other relatives can be of a great help in this situation. Many consultants and beauty parlours are coming up to offer the best solutions and other beauty tips.

The other kinds of lingerie provided by this manufacturer are panties, inner shirts, thongs, stockings and the attractive nighties. The sexy bras are made of high quality fabrics in different sizes. It is a famous saying that a woman looks as sexy as she thinks, and selection of correct size of lingeries plays a significant role in it. The remarkable growth in the extra size underwear industry has in fact helped the women in finding the right size of lingerie and to feel like goddess.
One can find a number of online portals which are dedicated to the underwear garments of women. These websites offer a wide range of beautiful looking garments and comfortable lingeries at a reasonable price. One can easily find the large size underwear apparels here. One should take proper care while buying any items from these online websites. Before making your purchase decision, one must read the terms and conditions for exchanging any products. There are certain steps instructed on these portals for returning the product you have purchased.

Plus size lingeries are contributing to the emergence of a niche industry. Many stores and online portals have come up for the specific kind of garment items. Only extra large size apparels are available here, so the concerned women don't have to visit several places in order to find their choices. The leading companies have identified the opportunity in the segment and come up with the innovative designs and varieties of lingeries. Now, take benefit of the latest development in the garment industry and enjoy your life.

By Jayson Pablo

Plus Size Lingeries - Best Gift for Valentine Day to Your Girlfriend

There has been remarkable growth in recent years in the plus size lingerie industry in both quantity and quality. Plus size women can now feel feminine and beautiful underneath their everyday clothing too. A woman is only as sexy as she thinks, and lingerie designed to conform to each curve show off the sultry figure you've learnt to desire. Sometimes, it is difficult to search items which make you feel like the goddess.

Different online shopping portals have made search easier and faster by providing large selections of beautiful apparels. They offer fuller figured women an extensive collection of sexy, beautiful lingerie at cheaper prices and ensure utmost comfortable material. They also offer hosiery, chemises, robes and a range of other underwear items in larger sizes. The ultimate in luxury, pretty lingerie makes women feel contented with their shape, and provides superior products for every woman.
The majority of women are a size 14 or above and the online shopping portal recognises the need for attractive plus size clothing. Due to customer demand, there is a varied range of plus size clothing including plus size lingeries, business suits, swimsuits, and formal wear. When you want to go for plus size clothing, there is cut, style, fabric and colour that you consider.

Browse through the online shopping portals and find sexy lingerie's for your girl friend this Valentine Day. The full line of sexy plus size lingerie will show off the attractive curves what girls crave for. You can choose from the wide selection of sexy styles which can be for a special evening or anytime. If you want to spice up your life further, find out from a risqué and classic sexy lingerie. Whatever you look for, online shopping portals deliver the extreme in style and comfort for your girlfriend.

By Jayson Pablo

Choosing the Nightwear Lingerie and Intimate Apparels

Night wear has come a long way from plain and simple, designed for comfort and concealment to sexy and stylish seductive pieces meant to be shown and adds to mystery.

Night wear can be defined in a woman's wardrobe as comfortable pyjama, night dresses, peignoirs and negligees, night jackets to sexy lingerie.

Usually during cold and winter nights, one may opt for a silky or cotton pyjamas with its pretty, soft and light weight material, but during summer nights, one inevitably choose the dress.
The passion for intimate apparel has been understood to reflect the inner moods of a woman. Wearing the proper intimate apparel that tone the woman's mood can change the passion of a night. Lacy lingeries may add crisp to man's inhibition for his partner. A thin nightdress can cover beautifully the skin at the same time bold colors intimate apparel may shine under it. Or simple gowns and wrap may leave somebody wondering.

Wearing lingerie adds to the flair of the bedroom. It makes a woman look sexy and feels sexy. Lingerie also boost the confidence of a woman, especially when it highlights her assets and perfectly portrays the inner self she wish to express.
However, choosing a lingerie from a shop may not be that easy. It may look beautifully and mystifying at the display section but may not suit the body features, at best, one can choose lingerie or a night dress through two phrases: highlight the assets and gives comfort. These two cannot be separated. A sexy and nice looking lingerie at the body will lose its magic when hidden under the blanket (if you shy wearing it.)

If a woman has long flawless legs, one may opt to wear short silky night dress to highlight the legs. Or maybe if the woman have ample breast to show up, it would be best to wear a lingerie or nightdress with V neck and highlights the bust, thereby showing the cleavage and makes the woman alluring.

The art of wearing nightwear be it dress, pyjama or lingerie can vary and may differ from what and how a woman feels for the time she wears it. It can be match and mix from color to texture type and feature what fits the woman not only physically but the inner self and how a woman feels about herself.

By David Nieper